Pentecost Pledge
We are thankful to everyone, and to God, for people’s generosity to the Parish, both financially and through serving in different ways.
This last 12 months God has been faithful as we’ve seen both our churches grow in numbers and in fruitfulness.
In a typical month in the Parish through outreach ministries, including CAP, Hope Cafe, Messy Church, Milkwood Kick, Playgroup, Prison Ministry, Seniors’ Lunch Club and The Five, we have had contact with over 500 people, most of whom otherwise would have no contact with the church. In the last year we’ve seen at least 25 of them become Christians. We’ve also seen people set free from debt, get jobs, find community, friendship, prayer and help.
In this new season we are continuing to do all of the above and want to follow the great commission of Jesus to ‘Go and make disciples’. To help us, we have set the following MAP goals over the next three years:
60 confirmations or baptisms for people aged 11, or over
Everyone part of a discipling community
50 new children & youth congregation members
We are also taking steps to make our buildings safe, warm, welcoming and carbon neutral.
At St Saviour’s we are planning to redecorate the inside of the building, replace some of the windows and replace the broken heating system with a carbon neutral solution. We have budgeted £73,000 for these projects, but don’t have enough funds to cover them all. We already have £35,000 in existing funds which can be used towards these refurbishments. But we need to raise a further £38,000 through grants and congregation giving.
At St Paul’s we plan to finish restoring the organ, replace the carpet in the welcome space and do some repairs to the roof and brickwork. We have budgeted £15,000 for these purposes, having had a successful fundraising campaign last year for the organ.
To do all of these projects we will need to fundraise internally and externally, so we are asking you today to consider giving financially towards these projects.
The Bible teaches the principle of tithing, the giving back of 10% of all that God gives us, for His work. (Genesis 28:20-22; Leviticus 27:30-32; Malachi 3:8-10). Some Christians think we should give 10% today, however, I think that is too limiting – for some 10% will be too much and for others 10% will be too little. Compare the rich young ruler and the widow’s mite (Matthew 19:16-26 & Luke 21:1-4). Jesus said to keep on tithing (Luke 11:42) but also practice generosity (Matthew 6.19-21). Instead of percentages, a better question to ask is ‘How can I be generous?’ .
The early church sold their possessions and had everything in common (Acts 2). They took up ‘one-off’ gifts, as well as setting aside money for regular generous giving (2 Corinthians 9).
We encourage congregation members to do both, too.
Please, could you give a ‘one-off’ gift to support some of the building projects we have planned?
Please, could you review your current regular giving to the Parish and think about what generous giving looks like for you, so we can continue the fruitful outreach we have and achieve our MAP goals?
Please, can you pray about it over the next week and then, either complete an online pledge form here: or fill out a paper pledge form and bring it to church on Pentecost, the 19th May, and put it in the offering during the last hymn?
We then invite you to give via the Parish giving scheme (PGS) for both regular and one-off gifts, as that makes it easier for our treasurer, Peter. Information on how to give via PGS, and other ways, can be found on our website and in the newsletter
If you feel you want to give an amount in the future but can’t at present, you can make a pledge and give at a later point.
Only Peter, the treasurer, will see the pledge figures. Ben, the vicar, doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know what individuals give.