Green & Fairtrade

Go Far, Go Fair, Go Green

  • One of our MAP Goals as a parish is: Caring for God’s people and planet by being a Fairtrade parish & pursuing a positive environmental impact
  • Our Green & Fairtrade team led by Trevor Tayleur and we would love for you to be involved!
  • We have done the Ecochurch survey to review our environmental footprint and have been awarded the Bronze award!
  • We submitted a proposal to the PCC to agree a ‘Climate and Environmental Emergency Recognition‘. This was agreed at the start of 2024.

Did you know…

  • You can fill your own bags and containers locally at zero waste shops ✔
  • You can buy used or up-cycled goods, or e.g. charity shop Christmas presents ✔
  • You can reduce waste by buying some brands like Traidcraft’s Bio-D in 5 litre containers with transferable pumps and spare nozzles ✔
  • You can shop alternative materials, such as eco-friendly jeans, bamboo paper towels or socks (see – bamboo blend socks by Thought) ✔
  • Repair something that’s broken ✔
  • You can recycle flexible plastics such as empty crisps packets at Sainsbury’s Dog Kennel Hill; at the moment most councils do not accept flexible plastics for recycling. More information here


As a Fairtrade parish we have committed to the following:

  1. Use Fairtrade products wherever possible (at least tea, coffee and sugar) and to share this information with congregants. 
  2. Celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight and integrate Fairtrade into the life of your place of worship through other faith-based holidays, sermons and services. 
  3. Engage with other Fairtrade campaigns and connect with community groups, such as schools and towns, where possible.  

We run a termly Fair Trade stall on Sundays. To purchase Fairtrade products consider using Fair Trade or visit Bread of Life Fairtrade Centre.

Links to websites about Climate change and its impact

Activities & Campaigns

Restore Nature Now – took place on Saturday 22 June 2024; the link shows it was well supported

Christian Aid – “Polluters must pay up to repair what’s damaged by the climate crisis” #RiseUpPayUp Loss and Damage petition

Information on Climate Sunday

Operation Noah – Bright Now: Our Fossil Fuel Divestment & Impact Investing Campaign

Christian Climate Action: Direct Action, Public Witness for the Climate (We are happy to publicise CCA’s activities, but it is an individual choice whether to take part)

Interfaith Ceremony of Climate Repentance

Take the Jump:

Bible Verses on Creation

The Earth belongs to God (Ps. 24.1) by his creation (Job 38.4; Ps. 19.1), sustaining (Matt. 6.26), redemption (Col. 1.15-30), and power to destroy (Gen. 6.7; Ps. 104.29); it is the theatre of his work (Gen. 9.12-17); Hos. 2.21-22; Matt. 5.45).

Creation is ‘good’ and intrinsically valuable (Gen. 2.20), connected to him by word (Gen. 1.3, 6, 9, etc; John 1.1-5; Heb.1.3) and saved from reification by the incarnation (Mark 4.41; Eph 1.22; Phil 2.10-11).

God has entrusted his creation to us as his managers (Gen. 1.26; Ps.8.6-8) or gardeners (Gen. 2.15).

We are answerable to him for his trust (Lev. 25.3-5, 14-17; Luke 12.42-48; 19:12-27; 20:9-18), not as preservations but as responsible stewards (Matt. 25.24-30).
Our relationship has been disrupted by the fall (Gen. 3.1-7; Rom. 8.19-22)
[Taken from Berry (ed.), (2000) The Care of Creation: Focusing Concern and Action, IVP]
