
Community, Activities & Events

Throughout the year we hold various events and activities including parish weekends away, a Christian Aid week tea, socials, fair trade stalls and much more. Check back here for upcoming events and activities.

Seniors’ Lunch Club

A monthly lunch club for those aged 60 and over. All welcome to join us for a freshly cooked, tasty meal and good conversation. Cost £4 per person, if you can afford it. Held in St Paul’s Church Welcome Space. We try to provide lifts if needed. Contact Julia Kirby-Jones on 07979 241971 or for 2021 dates, more details or to let us know you will be joining us.

A Hymn at Lunchtime

Straight after the monthly Seniors’ Lunch has finished, there is a short service focusing on a well known hymn held in the beautiful chancel of St Paul’s Church.

Parish Weekend Away

A weekend away has been organised in alternate years, with between 80 and 120 people taking part. The aim of the parish weekend has been to grow closer to God and to one another. It has proved a spiritual turning point for many, and a wonderful chance for relationships between the congregations to grow. The weekend provides an opportunity for fellowship, worship, teaching and a range of leisure pursuits and activities for all ages. Usually an outside speaker has been invited to lead the formal sessions. Groups are organised for children and young people, often with outside help, for example from Spinnaker Trust. Volunteers have organised a crèche, games, walks, a quiz, ceilidh and other activities. Feedback has been positive about the scope for deepening faith, developing relationships, and having fun. Watch this space for more details.

Prison Ministry

The parish has supported the chaplaincy team at HM Prison Brixton for a number of years, including by joining the Sunday service at the prison. In addition to the opportunity to serve those in the prison, people from our churches have found it to be a deeply significant experience seeing God at work in the lives of others. A few members of the parish also help with weekday activities at the prison such as Sycamore Tree (a victim awareness programme) and a Fine Cell Work group, a social enterprise that trains prisoners in paid, skilled, creative needlework to foster discipline and self-esteem.

Outreach Team Activities

The outreach teams exists to guide and oversee all parish activities which primarily serve the community rather than regular church members, including mission in the Milkwood area drawing on the Community Engagement Fund and on other parish funds. To join the team or get involved in outreach please contact Ben Goodyear.

Senior's Activities
Parish Weekend Away Activities

To find out more or to get involved in any of these activities please contact our parish administrator.