
services - family

Public worship is one of the key ways of encountering God: through worship, prayer, and hearing and receiving His teaching through the Bible.

Sundays are also an opportunity to refresh from the week just past and start the new week with God.

Our church community is welcoming, open and friendly, with a diverse, thriving congregation from every corner of the Parish and further beyond.

Come as you are, we welcome you!

Whether you are new, visiting, dipping your toe in the water, or more familiar with church, we are looking forward to seeing you. If you are unsure what is right for you or want to know more, please get in touch with our clergy team

Our weekly services

8.00am Book of Common Prayer Service at St Paul’s

This is a short traditional spoken Holy Communion service from the Book of Common Prayer every week (apart from August).

services - holy communion

9.30am Morning Service at St Saviour’s

The 9.30 service at St Saviour’s is relatively informal and relaxed, with music led by a music group often including guitars and drums, piano and strings or solo keyboard, plus a small group of singers. Low-key prayer ministry is offered after each service.

11:15am Morning Service at St Paul’s

The 11.15 service at St Paul’s reflects the more traditional building, with music led from an organ, piano and choir, sometimes accompanied by a guitar and other instruments. Our well-stocked, state-of-the-art, sound-proof glass-fronted creche, has proved a hit with families – you can hear and join in with the whole service while letting children play in a relaxed environment.

5pm “The Five” at St Paul’s

The Five is an inclusive, informal evening service with food, worship, and great discussion! It also provides lots opportunity ask questions and receive prayer. 

The service is 5pm – 6.30pm, with refreshments at the start. Once a month, we all share a meal together after a shorter style of service. For more information, please email church via the website, or contact Naomi on +44 (0) 7595 759 507. 

Do join us, we’d love to have you!

3pm, First Sunday of the month, Messy Church, St Saviour’s

Every last Sunday of the month at 3pm at St Saviour’s (except in August and December) we hold Messy Church. This is church, but not as you know it – children, families and their carers can get messy while getting to know Jesus! We are back on the 8th September!

Service structure

The preaching and structure remains the same across both churches for our morning services, with the style of service changing as follows:

  • 1st Sunday of the month – All Age Holy Communion Service (children join us in the church for the entire service)
  • 2nd Sunday of the month – Morning Worship (slightly shorter service, with no communion, and children’s groups running)
  • 3rd Sunday of the month – Holy Communion (full communion service, with children’s groups running)
  • 4th Sunday of the month – Morning Worship with children’s groups (slightly shorter service, with no communion, and children’s groups running)
  • 5th Sunday of the month – Varies throughout the year

Children follow ‘Energize’ resources in the groups we run, catering from primary age right up to 16. Find out more about children’s church and events.


services - preaching

Biblical teaching is at the heart of our worship, and services are structured around this message. Sermons are aimed at bringing people into deeper and more confident faith in God to help us to bring Jesus to the centre of our lives and the heart of our community. Sermons are uploaded weekly to the parish website.

Read or listen to talks here.

Joint and Special Services

services - special occasions

Occasional joint and special services for both churches are held throughout the year including at Christmas, Easter and our annual “In Grateful Memory” service at St Paul’s, held on the evening of Remembrance Sunday for the bereaved of the parish.

For more information about upcoming and special services see our Events page.

If you are unsure about which service might be right for you, or want to explore further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our clergy or staff team