Milkwood Summer Programme 2023
Milkwood Summer Programme 2023

Milkwood Summer Programme is a fun packed two-week event in our local community for children and young people aged 6-16 in the Milkwood Community Park. In 2023 this will be from the 21st August to the 1st September from 10am-2pm. Each day we operate a first come first served basis for entry. A consent form is needed for every child. If you have already completed one for another Parish of Herne Hill activity you don’t need to do another one provided your contact details haven’t changed.

We team up with providers such as KickLondon, Heart in Art Workshops, XLP and Dough Bakehouse to create an action-packed programme for children and young people to be a blessing in the community.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursdays are filled with outdoor multi-sports, arts & crafts, and games & puzzles. On Fridays we take young people aged 11+ on a range of trips. There will not be a session on Bank Holiday Monday on the 28th August.
If you have any questions please do ask Pipelore who is leading it this year on 07563 191309.