May News
May news

Check out our latest news in the May Parish of Herne Hill News letter below.
Some news that didn’t make it to print was that raised £1050.58 at Hope Cafe last term raising funds for OM Moldova who are supporting Ukrainian refugees in Moldova. Thank you for all your donations and to the cafe team!
Also, as we speak our WHOOSH cyclists, 38 people, mostly from the parish are cycling from Hull to Carlisle, up the East Coast, then cross country alongside Hadrian’s Wall from 29 April to 2 May. They are raising money for two charities. If you wish do donate feel free below:
Ebony Horse Club
which most of you will know well from their stables near to the Loughborough Estate. They make a brilliant contribution to giving local children wider opportunities which are normally closed to inner city families of limited means. The manager has said that after 10 years on the Loughborough estate site, they are planning their first building expansion by adding an extra railway arch this year for a youth and community space. This will give more youngsters access to the centre and to support from the youth work team. They hope to run sessions on life skills as well as the horse riding and any money we raise will help kick start this work. This gives a very tangible focus to our fundraising.
Afghan Aid
We all know about the awful crisis in Afghanistan that followed the victory of the Taliban and the withdrawal of most outside aid. The Ukraine Crisis that has unfolded since may have driven it from our news bulletins, but the situation has not improved. The people of Afghanistan face famine, poverty and repression.