March News
Please find a link to our latest newsletter which is also available to collect in paper form on Sunday:
Due to the COVID levels dropping, this Sunday and onwards, at all services, there will be socially distanced seating only in the outer seats, on the left and right of the building, with no social distancing in the seats in the middle section. Face covering will now only be required in the outer seats too, So those sitting in the centre are free to choose not to wear a face covering if they wish.
We will also be serving refreshments after the 0930 & 1115 services and food at the Five & Messy Church.
We will continue to provide online services on our YouTube channel.
As we approach lent I invite you to join us for our Ash Wednesday service 8pm on the 2nd March at St Paul’s.
One of the things you could take up for lent is daily Live Lent Embracing Justice devotions.
We have some Lent daily devotional booklets available at the back of each church, but you can also access the material on your phone from the Live Lent app on the Apple App Store or Google Play store.
On Monday 7th March we will be starting our lent course: unanswered prayer (The prayer course part II). Following the success of the first Prayer Course, these five sessions go deeper, provoking honest conversation around the hardest and most personal questions we all ask about prayer. It will run on Monday nights at 7.30pm, starting on 7th March, at St Paul’s in the welcome space.
Find out more about the course at
To register please click sign up via Churchsuite o3q3ng or let Ben Goodyear or Trevor Tayleur know.
Please do let us know if you need any prayer or practical help.
Please join us in continuing to pray for the people of Ukraine
The Lord shall give strength to his people;
the Lord shall give his people the blessing of peace.
(Psalm 29.10)
God of strength and peace,
send your blessing on the people of Ukraine.
Sustain them in their struggles,
hold them in their fear,
protect them from all danger
and be for them the hope they desire;
for Jesus Christ’s sake.