June News
June News
Our June newsletter is available to read here:
As it is half-term a number of our usual weekly activities won’t be happening next week including playgroups, JGL and Hope Cafe. They will return the week beginning the 6th June.
The following activities are happening this week:
- Tue 31st Morning prayer 8-8.30am on Zoom
- Sat 4th Churches Count on Nature 10am-12 midday @ St Saviour’s
This is an A Rocha initiative to encourage churches to record the wildlife within their churchyards. Jim Belben will be at St Saviour’s to help organise a count 10am-12 midday. If you want to join in, please just turn up! Find out more here: https://arocha.org.uk/event/churches-count-on-nature-2022/
- Sun 5th 8am BCP Holy Communion @ St Paul’s
- Sun 5th Joint all-age Pentecost Sunday service @ 11.15am @ St Paul’s – Together for Communion – we will also be having our awards ceremony for Milkwood Kick
Note: No 9.30am or 5pm services on the 5th June
- Sun 5th Jubilee Celebration Lunch 1-3pm @ St Paul’s Church grounds
We are planning to have fun activities for children as well as live music. To book your free place go to our eventbrite page

- Weds 8th CAP Job Club starts @ Herne Hill Baptist Church
- Thurs 9th CAP Money Course starts @ St Paul’s Church
If you would like to attend either course or if you would like to volunteer to help please contact Jules Daniel at or 07563 191309
Find out more about our CAP ministries here
- Thurs 9th Service to commission our new Churchwardens 8pm @ Southwark Cathedral
Come along and support our Churchwardens as they are commissioned by the Archdeacon at this service. Our Churchwardens are Geraldine Garner and Juanne Fuller at St Paul’s, and Jonathan Wyles and Lilly Emmanuvel at St Saviour’s.
Donations wanted!
We are collecting new or nearly new items to stock our “boutique” for recently arrived guests from Ukraine and HHWR families. Due to lack of storage, we are not yet collecting any winter weight clothing or household items but we will do so later on this year.
We currently need the following:
- Women’s summer clothing of all sizes, including lightweight knitwear, jackets and coats, smart casual and some office wear
- Women’s shoes of all sizes
- Rucksacks, handbags etc
- Clothes and shoes for late teen boys (16-19)
- Clothes and shoes for late teen girls (16-19)
- Clothes and shoes for early teen boys and girls (13-16)
- Clothes and shoes for boys and girls (5-12)
- New toiletries
Donations can be left in collection boxes at both churches on Sundays or can be dropped off at the Parish Office during the week.
Please direct any questions about donations to Susan Wright, Vicky Burt or Lucy Williams.