January News
No lunch this month
Due to current COVID levels we have decided to postpone our parish bring and share international lunch on the 23rd January and also cancel our monthly seniors lunch club for January.
We will continue to review our risk assessments for all our activities guided by the Church of England.
For a full list of what’s on this month do read our winter newsletter
Job Swap
I wanted to let you know that Julia Daniel and Kelly Stephenson have agreed to a job swap by mutual agreement. The difference will be that from the 1st January 2022 – Julia Daniel will do 2 days as CAP & Community Worker and 1 day as Operations Manager, Kelly Stephenson will do do 4 days as Operation Manager and and 1 day as CAP & Community Worker. Please contact going forward if you are interested in attending or volunteering at job clubs or money courses. Julia will still be the main Ops contact for buildings and fabric but she will gradually handover bookings and admin to Kelly. Kelly will continue to do the finance part of the role.
Robes Project update
Would you like the opportunity to give some practical help to someone on their journey out of homelessness? Throughout this winter, the Robes Project is assisting people experiencing homelessness by providing individual accommodation in a hostel in Canary Wharf, and advice and support to rebuild their lives. We can help too, by providing welfare packages to Robes guests in February and March.
Each package will cost around £10. You could shop and make up a package yourself, or pay for a package to be made up, or help with the delivery. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch with Mary Ollard at for more details.