Children and Youth Jan/Feb News
Children and Youth Jan/Feb News
The year is getting going and children and youth ministries are excited about all God has in store for us in 2024!
New Year…New name…
JGL short for Just General Life has been going through a transitional time as you may know. To mark this the young people and Cas Moyo have crafted a new name…drum roll please…

Our new era represents a commitment to actively engage our youth and inspire them to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus. In line with this, we are incorporating elements from the recently crafted Youth Faith Collective (YFC) vision, which underlines our focus on faith, community, and fun.
As outlined in the vision, “The Faithful Way of Life” serves as our motto, emphasising the importance of fidelity and loyalty in our life paths. While ensuring that our youth group remains engaging and enjoyable, we remain steadfast in keeping our focus on Jesus as not only our Lord and Saviour but as our way of life.
YFC meets Wednesdays during term time, 6.30-8pm at St Paul’s Church. Young people in school year 6 or over are welcome to come along once parent consent form is completed.
Youth Faith Collective +
February 27th 6:00 – 9:00 @ St Paul’s welcome space
Ages 14+ are invited to a new monthly get together that will be launching late February. Designed for the young people in the parish who can’t make weekly meet ups and are looking for a relaxing time of fellowship. We will be cooking together, breaking bread and building relationship both with each other and Jesus. Everyone’s welcome.

The Parish of Herne Hill’s Youth football team have a home match on February 10th @ Ruskin park kick off 12:00pm
Come show your support to our parish young football stars, who will be playing Lewisham park next weekend, one league match and one friendly, banners and cheers of encouragement welcome! Want to play or coach please contact Gavin Kamara or Ben Goodyear.

Messy Church back with a Bang!
Our first Messy Church of 2024 was great fun! Jesus was feeding the 5000, tie-dye t-shirts were made and fresh bread rolls were hand crafted by the little one. Our next date is February 25th come join us and bring your friends!

summer youth camping trip save the date!
This year we will be taking our youth group to an amazing summer camp, the Dates will be July 29th – August 3rd. Check out the website below and register your interest with Ruby or Cas.