LGBTQI+ Friendly

LGBTQI+ Friendly

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3.28

We are a LGBTQI+ friendly parish.

What do we mean by this?

This means LGBTQI+ people are welcomed, included and valued here, in the same way as everyone else.  

We would love to encourage you to serve and lead in any area of the church life according to your gifts. We are blessed at the Parish of Herne Hill to have LGBTQI+ members, who serve & lead in our Sunday services, children & youth teams, music groups & choir, and PCC.

We cannot legally offer same-sex marriages in the Church of England, however, we are pleased to offer same-sex blessings, so please do contact our Vicar Ben Goodyear if you are interested.

We are on a journey together, listening to different voices and aware we still have much to learn.

This journey and the variety of views that are likely to be reflected in our congregations can be view on our LLF page with links to resources that have helped us.

Hopefully you have already discovered in person the warm and open welcome that’s on offer at both St Saviour’s and St Paul’s churches. If not, we hope that you will – whichever church and whichever service you come to, whether you are young or old, whatever your background, or current circumstances.

We would love to meet you at one of our services soon!